ROI Calculator
Don’t take our word for it. See the real ROI of iRevü first hand with our ROI calculator.
ROI Using iRevü
Annual Revenue ($):
Average Fully Loaded Cost per Employee ($):
Total Employees:
Percentage of employees with management duties (%):
Does your company have a formal annual review process?
Pay-back Period (months):
First year total cost for iRevü ($)
Subsequent years cost for iRevü ($)
Reduction in Cost from Voluntary Turn-overs
Average Days to Retrain Employees:
Annual voluntary turn-over rate (%):
Custom Rate
Cost to Recruit Replacement ($):
Custom Cost
Your company’s annual turn-over costs ($):
Turn-over cost savings with iRevü ($):
Reduction in Cost of Annual Review Process ($)
Total annual manager cost savings ($):
Total savings:
Total annual employee cost savings ($):
Reduction in Cost of Un-engaged Employees
Cost of un-engaged employees
Total iRevü Savings
Employee engagement improvement with iRevü ($)