As much as we wish they were, teams are not constantly motivated and sometimes need a little boost in morale to get the creative juices flowing. It is a daunting fact only 30% of employees worldwide feel inspired and engaged by their careers. That is where the team leaders in an organization come in. Team leaders can have a great impact on whether or not employees feel engaged; Gallup findings show that about 50% of the 7,200 adults surveyed left a job “to get away from their manager.” So how can you motivate employees and boost morale?
Start assessing your leadership skills today to better lead your team!
Here are five ways to get started:
Stop Working
Employees are not going to suddenly become motivated with more work. Take the time for a team outing. Whether that’s actually a team “inning” and you have karaoke in the office with pizza, or you take the whole team out for a comedy show and dinner, showing them you care about their morale is the perfect first step. 93% of employees who reported feeling valued said they are motivated to do their best at work.
Would you ever try any of these employee motivators to boost productivity? @Engagiant_iRevu #leadership Click To TweetGive and Receive Feedback… Often
Nearly 85% of Millennials say they would feel more confident in their work if they could have more frequent conversations with their managers, including real-time feedback. By opening up this outlet for constant communication, you’ll be able to better understand what employees need from you and it’ll also make conversations like these become more fluid and honest so employees can communicate what they need from you as a leader.
85% of #Millennials would feel more confident in their work if managers did this: @Engagiant_iRevu Click To TweetStart a Ritual
Do you and your team need something to look forward to at the end of the week? Or maybe even the beginning? Start a ritual that brings your team together to kick the week off or after a long one! This can be anything from donuts on Monday morning, a quick pep talk or recap at the end of the week with a discussion of wins and losses over wine and cheese. Providing this quick recap for the week or surge to get it started gives the whole team something to look forward to every week.
Would you ever start a ritual with your team to boost engagement, like this: @Engagiant_iRevu #EmployeeEngagement Click To TweetGive Creative Commons
Finding inspiration in someone else’s ideas is hard. Employees may feel a stronger bond with their work if they’re able to add their own touch of creativity. This can be incorporated into almost any part of the process even when it comes to picking the music for the day. Worried no one will speak up? Create an anonymous email inbox or suggestion box to facilitate new ideas.
Create an anonymous inbox to facilitate new #employee ideas: @Engagiant_iRevu Click To TweetTake Out the Trash
Not literally, well maybe the office could use a little cleaning, but this may also be the time to look at how the team is getting along and how processes are working for you and your team. Reviewing processes and trimming the fat may be helpful for the team to make things more efficient and even save money. After processes have been tightened up, it may be time to look at your team as well. 95% of respondents in a survey said a bad hire at least somewhat impacts the morale of a team. Having a bad seed on the team can cause negative ripple effects throughout the organization.
No matter how you spin it, teams need motivation whether to get through a rough patch or make it down the home stretch of a large project. Take some of these tips the next time your team needs a little morale boost!