Only one thing truly disturbs the minds of employees, and that is when their managers are silent – meaning no employee feedback or guidance. Just thinking about it makes our skin crawl!
Employee feedback is so important that many are finding the lack of it a solid reason to leave and continue employment elsewhere. This means a higher turnover rate and major monetary losses for your company. 69% of employees say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were being better recognized, and that all falls under the feedback category. Whether it’s to correct a mistake, or give credit where it’s due, employee feedback is a necessity: and silence is truly deadly.
Feedback allows for correction and communication that would not be there otherwise. It also creates a golden opportunity to develop your employees and help them succeed. According to Gallup, 98% of employees fail to be engaged when managers give little or no feedback. Disengaged employees mean less productivity, and we all know what happens when productivity fails.
Read More: The ROI of Continuous Performance Feedback
However, the good news is, you can change this for the better! Here’s how you can create the best feedback culture for your company.
Stop the silence and get into the groove of ongoing feedback with this whitepaper guide:
It All Starts With You, Clarice
If you want employee feedback to be a systematic thing, you have to start at the top. Being a role model for the cause is a great first step, and once others see you doing it, they will start as well. Be sure to create an environment where employees feel comfortable coming to you for anything. You need to radiate trust and understanding so they are compelled and interested in knowing what you have to say about their work or situation. Only about 30% of actively disengaged employees are actually thriving. Everyone is different, but it is your job to get the other 70% engaged to produce their very best work.
Get Started: Everything You Need to Know About Going 360
Have An Old Friend Over (For Dinner)
Assuming that most employees are friends to some extent, we want to shine the light on peer-to-peer interactions as well. Feedback isn’t something solely reserved just for managers and employees, it works for everyone. Encourage this type of feedback amongst your employees to help spread thought and ideas, not to mention improve communication. Not sure if this really would help your company? Well, 41% of companies that use peer-to-peer recognition have seen positive increases in customer satisfaction. So, if you want to improve on communication and even leadership skills for your employees, starting peer-to-peer feedback just might be the answer you’ve been looking for.
Learn More: Questions To Ask Your Team Every Month
41% of companies using this #performance tactic see increases in customer satisfaction: Click To Tweet
“You Call This Easy, Sir?”
During the implementation of feedback, you may not always deal with cooperative employees, or ones that see why employee feedback needs to be a thing. But, this is when you just smile and say, “Challenge accepted!” No one said it was going to be easy, but it is your responsibility to coach these individuals and help them see the benefits, or even rid them of their own defensive tendencies. This is where one-on-one meetings may be best, that way you both can lay it all out and find the best way to proceed. 69% of employees feel that meetings such as this are productive and helpful. So, provide the opportunity for them to discuss and collaborate with you to form the best solutions possible.
Read More: 6 Ideal Ways to Supercharge Low-Performing Employees
Feedback is probably one of the most important things you can create in the workplace. When asked what leaders could do more of to improve engagement, 58% of respondents replied, “give recognition.” It’s very likely that your employees may feel the same way. So, why not give them what they want and start your feedback journey!
What 58% of employees said when asked what leaders could do to improve #engagement Click To Tweet
Saving time and money will always be a concern, but it doesn’t have to be with real-time feedback. Check out our downloadable process flowchart for implementing microfeedback in your organization.