The Sear of Reviews
Many in HR have felt the prickly heat sear up their backs, wrapping its red flush about their necks, waiting to burst through the top of their skulls when these words leave their lips, “How’s that Performance Review coming?”
This is difficult to manage if a performance review purpose has not been defined.
Why is Performance Review and Management such a dreaded part of the HR Function? Is it because it hasn’t kept up with the times and it feels archaic, in nature? Is it because the process, as is, is time-consuming and not helpful? Is it because it scares employees or is awkward, so HR would rather just avoid it? Is it because no one really cares but it’s something HR is supposed to do? It may be all of the above.
Purpose is its Own Reward
Have you thought enough about the TRUE PURPOSE of Performance Management through Performance Reviews? It doesn’t need to be the Dread Pirate Roberts of HR, always lurking waiting to steal and plunder – though the Cliffs of Insanity can be very real.
Less Fear, Less Dread
Once the true purpose of Performance Review is understood, less fear and dread are attached. It is realized that a performance evaluation leads to better communication between employee and employer – a direction of employee development can be charted, noted, and launched, or simply provide documentation of where where an employee is in trade, skill, knowledge, ability, and desire. The purpose? To firmly grasp the correlation between employee input and company output. Are goals aligned between the workforce and the employer? Perhaps it is to uncover WHY happy employees stay and replicate that in other current or future employees.
Performance Review Purpose.
Define that Purpose
The purpose for each organization might be different, which is why it is imperative for each company to make their own discovery and determination. Once purpose has been assessed and defined, an employer can move forward with selecting the solution, format, or process best for them.
Do not forget to start with WHY.
Interested in how other organizations have done this successfully? So were we, which is why we put these posts together:
Employee Engagement Tactics & Ideas
10 Rockstar Companies Killing it in Employee Appreciation
6 Effective Performance Review Examples