Real Time Performance Management
Performance management helps organizations improve the employee experience by allowing for on-demand and real time communications / interactions with and between employees. We believe in the power of microfeedback and the immediate impact it has on employee engagement and the long-term influence it has on quality work and the retention of quality employees.
Empower Employees
In today’s world of low unemployment, it makes sense to empower the workforce with the ability to give and receive immediate feedback, good and constructive. Quality employees, now more than ever, have a choice – they can choose to stay with your company – or – they can choose to look for greener pastures. We think you can keep your pasture green by providing what employees today want and need: to feel valued and to be trusted.
Making feedback and communication easy is a pretty easy way to help employees feel valued and trust. An informed and smart workforce is a productive and loyal workforce. The performance feedback shared with employees is a step toward improving engagement and solidifying the employee experience, which retention of the talent you work so hard to acquire.
- Immediate feedback in real-time.
- MOBILE – performance review is literally in the hands of your workforce.
- On-the-spot praise or constructive assistance when it is best received.
- Annual performance review drudgery removed.
- Reduced turnover.
- Increased efficiency in performance management
- Improved employee performance, increased productivity.
- Managers provide value, employees feel valued.
- Your iRevü app can be company-branded, it’s yours.
All feedback and interaction is tracked and recorded – meaning, there will be easily accessible employee performance data.
There will be data to reference and also assist your organization in improving outcomes, as well as the employee experience.A
A Solution
Every new tech or software out there calls themselves a solution. But are they?
Are they providing answers and solving the problems that cost your company money and your most valuable asset: your workforce?
We know that real time performance management provides answers, maybe even to questions your managers and supervisors didn’t know were even being asked.
Michael Heller, CEO and Co-Founder of iRevü, has stated,
“A transparent policy is positively correlated with higher employee morale. Keep communication open and honest, all the way from the top to the very bottom. It is so important to regularly touch base with your employees to keep them engaged. Let your employees know what they are doing well and where they can improve.”
Performance reviews and performance management have not died, nor are they obsolete. They have necessarily evolved.