We all like to think we are doing an unbelievable job when it comes to performance management, heck some might pat themselves on the back just for making it through all the annual reviews they have to do. Unfortunately, research[…]
Financial Benefits from Proper Performance Management
By Michael Heller Performance Management Sep 27, 2017
How Does Real-Time Performance Feedback Improve Employee Performance?
By Michael Heller Performance Feedback Sep 18, 2017
When it comes to giving performance feedback why wait until an annual review? Seems almost ridiculous to wait a WHOLE year to give feedback on every little thing but the crazy thing is, a lot of companies are still doing[…]
4 Reasons Why Transparency is Important
By Michael Heller Performance Management Sep 11, 2017
Your employees are in reality, the backbone of your company. Things wouldn’t run without them and your company relies on their happiness, engagement and productivity. And although the workforce is changing constantly, one thing that is abundantly clear is your[…]
Build the Ultimate Performance Review Process
By Michael Heller Performance Feedback, Performance Reviews Sep 05, 2017
Nobody has ever said they love giving or doing performance reviews. If they have, they lied. They are downright dreadful and sometimes, when you’re a manager they can seem stressful and complicated, now just imagine what your employees think of[…]
How to Manage Multiple Generations in the Workplace
By Michael Heller Performance Management Aug 21, 2017
Managing generations is easy once you understand that 1) stereotypes exist for a reason and 2) generations are as alike as they are different. For one, we all want feedback and second, we’re all interested in understanding specifics about our[…]
6 Massive Ways You Can Change Performance Reviews
By Michael Heller Performance Reviews Aug 07, 2017
The middle of the year always brings a sense of anxiety and worry to both managers and employees alike. Performance reviews are an unequivocal pain in the butt for everyone involved. Tedious processes, long forms, emotionally exhausting meetings and unsatisfactory[…]
4 Ways Leaders Can Develop Their Skills To Become A Better Leader
By Michael Heller Performance Feedback Jul 24, 2017
Some say leaders are born with the skills necessary to inspire and lead, but honestly, great leaders come from those who focus on development and continue building skills. If you’re running a business, coaching a team, teaching a class or[…]
Assess Your Effectiveness As a Leader [Printable]
By Michael Heller Performance Feedback Jul 18, 2017
A brilliant leader is defined by their actions. But what’s more important is an assessment of those actions. It is imperative to understand how your company is being managed and how that management affects the team. A critical evaluation of[…]
Genius Ways to Keep Employees Motivated During the Summer Months
By Michael Heller Employee Engagement Jul 10, 2017
Summer is in full swing, and if you manage a team you know what that means – vacations and mid-year reviews. Otherwise known as the two things that managers dread. You know your office is going to be a ghost[…]
4 Ways to Give Feedback & Listen to be a Better Leader
By Michael Heller Performance Feedback Jul 03, 2017
It’s that time of year again when mid-year reviews are starting to roll out. Now more than ever is the opportune time to focus on leading, providing feedback, and listening to your team. As the need for attention, support, and[…]